Bootstrap is the most popular front end framework in the world right now, we’ll learn all about it in this video series. In this video I give you a quick demo of what is possible with Bootstrap, talk about some topics that I will be covering in this series.
What is Bootstrap?
Bootstrap is a CSS “front end framework”, which was created to make building responsive websites a much easier task. The idea behind this that you simply link some Bootstrap files to your website and simply add the correct classes to each element and your website is instantly responsive.
Of course, even though Bootstrap has an optional theme, you can always add your own custom CSS for a more custom look and feel.
What will this Bootstrap tutorial series cover?
In this series we will be covering the following topics:
- Installing Bootstrap onto your website.
- The Boostrap 12 column grid.
- Pushing an pulling columns
- Basic typography
- Responsive tables
- Responsive images
- Basic Bootstrap forms
- Various Bootstrap CSS components like:
- Jumbotrons and Wells
- Dropdowns
- Navigation and Navbars
- Various Bootstrap JavaScript components like:
- Collapsable boxes
- Modals
- A carousel
That’s all for now. See you in the next Bootstrap tutorial.